Game Changing Insights & Analysis


Why Is the Kenyan Media Struggling?

From staff go-slows at Standard Group to layoffs at Radio Africa Group and Nation Media Group, the Kenyan media industry is in turmoil. What makes these...


Why Are Most Kenyan Corporates Not on TikTok Yet?

I first heard about TikTok sometime in 2018 while talking to a client from China. The next mention was...


The Kenyan Startup Conundrum: Why Do Funded Startups Still Fail?

Until recently, the startup scene in Kenya has witnessed startling failures. Firstly, Kune Food collapsed...


Why You Should Conduct a Feasibility Study Before Starting Your Business

With diminishing formal opportunities in Kenya, many young people are increasingly turning to...


Battle for Market Share: Why China Square Won, Nyakima Traders Lost

A few months ago, the country was treated to a high-drama spectacle. Reason? There was an unexpected...


Why Innovation and Entrepreneurship is Slowing Down in Kenya

From a light bulb by Thomas Edison to the digital computer by Charles Babbage, man’s quest to solve myriad challenges...


Surviving the odds: Pitfalls of small business marketing

Starting 2023 with a new government in place, there is a general wave of optimism wafting across the country as...


Reflections: Looking back at 2022 and forward on what lies ahead in 2023

So, in a scale of 1 to 10, where one represents very unsatisfied and ten very satisfied, how would you rate your business...


State of the world and five emerging trends that will impact your business

Have you noticed any new trends lately? Staying ahead of the game calls for constant monitoring, scanning and evaluation...


Why social media marketing is not free

The invention of social media has been a boon for many micro, small and medium businesses (MSMEs), especially those who don’t have the requisite budget for..


GTM unpacked: How to take your business to the market

The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once said, “change is the only constant in life." Well, I guess the..


Viral marketing: What does it take to go viral

There’s that one goal, the holy grail, we relentlessly endeavour to achieve in the course of our careers..


Podcast Listenership Trends Among the Kenyan Youth: Are Podcasts Viable Advertising Channels?

For those in the business of persuasion and influencing attitudes, the search for perfect mediums and...


Doing It Right: Lead Generation Process For Small Businesses

Not so long ago, I was engaging a proprietor of a medical centre who poignantly complained that the number of people seeking healthcare services at their established had...